About us

Since its founding in 1985 the U.Eitner Formenbau und Erodiertechnik GmbH is located in Dieburg, Germany.

Office, building from forefront

To be succesful in this challenging market, Ulrich Eitner, the companies founder right from the start focuses on hight- precision fabrication on technical top level. His credo Globalisation demands qualification leads onto hight product and service quality, based on a carefully professional trained workforce.

Despite of the productions industrial character, fabrication still keep to be apart of the art of handcraft. Just accurate processing of the raw unit to the finished product ensures dimensional accuracy.

This synthesis of craftmans traditon and industrial production accerlerate the businesses development. U. Eitner mould play a leading role in the matter of cycle-time, clamp-force and durability.

30 years jubilee